Fixed pricing is a great feature that allows you to set default pricing per form type. You can establish fixed pricing at the State, County, or Zip Code level. When you receive an order from a lender, your fee will automatically populate in the fee field IF you have created fixed pricing. This saves you valuable time from manually entering a fee on every order you intend to accept.

To enter fixed pricing, go to your Settings, and expand the Coverage section. Expand one of your displayed coverages via the arrow to the right.

A list of defaulted form types, addendums, and additional fees will be displayed. Enter your fee for the form types in the editable field on the right.

Once you have entered fees, select the green SAVE button. Should you click CANCEL, this will clear out your pricing and take you back to your listed coverage.

Copying Fixed Pricing

If your fees are the same for all your coverages, you can copy existing fixed pricing from one coverage area and apply it to all your additional coverages. Expand the Coverage section, choose one of your areas that has existing fixed pricing, and expand the arrow to the right.

Click the link that states Copy Price Amounts.

An overlay will appear listing all your additional coverages, so long as it is the same state as the fixed pricing you are copying from. Click Yes at the bottom to copy the fixed pricing. Choosing No will take you back to the previous screen.