Lenders that you have a Relationship with can initiate changes to your Profile and/or Settings on your behalf. This can be especially helpful when you are on vacation, out in the field, etc., and need to update an expiration date to accept an order. When a lender makes any edits to your Profile Information or Settings, you will receive an email notification stating the name of the lender that has initiated changes to your account. Within the body of the email notification, select the Approve or Deny Changes button.
After selecting the Approve or Deny Changes, you will be directed to your Appraisal Firewall account. Once you login, an overlay will be displayed with an itemized list of every change the lender initiated. NOTE: you can do this from your mobile device as well.
Selecting Approve will approve all changes the lender initiated and the edits will be immediately updated to your account. Selecting Deny will reject all changes the lender has initiated and all edits the lender implemented will revert to your previous account profile information and/or settings. Once you select Approve or Deny, you will be taken to your dashboard.
To ensure full transparency, Appraisal Firewall will create an edit log of the lender that initiated the edits and whether or not you, as the owner of your account, accepted or rejected the changes.
Note for Appraiser Groups
The above process also applies to appraiser group accounts. Appraiser group administrators will receive the email notification to approve or deny any lender-initiated edits. Separate emails will be directed to the group administrator should multiple edits be administered by the lender at the same time. When the group administrator accesses the account, an overlay will appear with an itemized view of all fields that were edited, and to which members the edits were applied. Approving or Denying the changes will only apply to the appraiser member the group administrator commits the action for.