When a lender cancels an appraisal order, you will receive a Cancellation! email notification alerting you that the order has been cancelled and is no longer moving forward. Once this activity occurs, you will have 24 hours to enter any cancellation and/or trip fees

You can access the order that has been cancelled via the HERE link in the body of the Cancellation! email notification or by logging into Appraisal Firewall directly. No matter how the cancelled order is accessed, you will be directed to the Billing Details tab ($ icon). From here, select the Cancellation Fee button to enter or waive any cancellation fees. 

The Cancellation Fee screen will display an open Fee Amount field where you can enter the total cancellation fee you wish to collect for any time/work done for the subject property. If no cancellation fee is warranted, you can select the No Fee Required box, which will ensure the entirety of the order amount will reflect $0. 

If you would like to supply the lender with proof of work done on the cancelled order, an invoice, etc. you can utilize the New Attachment or Drag New Attachment Here feature to upload your documentation. 

Once the fee and/or documentation has been added, select the SEND button to submit your cancellation fee to the lender.